Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Richland County History: New Discoveries

We are having a big history series at the library and it was brought to my attention by a favorite patron that there wasn't anything on my blog about it...dolt!

The series was developed to bring some attention to the Walker Local History Room. There isn't any history without people and we need the help of Richland County citizens to build the collection. It is "stuff" that people have in their attics or closets that we need to make the room a powerful research facility.

So here is the schedule. I hope you can attend some or all of the sessions:

Richland County History: New Discoveries

*October 6: Dr. Walter Edgar, bestselling author, will discuss his research into the history of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
*October 13: Prized Pieces of Land. USC researchers will tell us how they pieced together information about Lower Richland African-American land owners using reconstruction records and maps.
*October 20: Audrey Dawson from the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology will explain what archaeologists have dug
up at Ft. Jackson.
*October 27: Dr. Warner Montgomery will talk about his recently published book, A History of Richland County School District One, 1792–2000.

Main Library - Local History Room - 6:00 929-3402 (Walter Edgar will speak in the auditorium)

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